Clean Air for a #GreenFuture
In order to limit air pollution to healthy levels there would need to be a radical overhaul in the transport sector. The Greens would revolutionise transport by ending the dependence on carbon, using clean energy alternatives and investing in public transport to get people out of cars and onto trains and buses. Three important Green Party areas of focus within clean air are:
Investing in public transport
· Making public transport cheaper would encourage people to get out of their cars and into electric trains and buses. Electric coach use would also be encouraged by the introduction of new routes.
· We would create a golden age of train travel by improving journey times and frequencies, enhancing capacity in the South West, Midlands and the North and reaching unconnected rural areas. We’d also improve public transport links between North and South Wales.
· The Greens would invest in high-quality walking and cycling routes in new housing developments so residents can access local services and shops without the need for a car.
Clean energy alternatives
• The Greens would incentivise the replacement of diesel and petrol vehicles with electric ones — our priority is reducing overall mileage and the number of vehicles on our roads; those that are on the roads would produce the very minimum amount of carbon emissions.
• Behind a significant reduction in road traffic would be the incentivisation for people to work from home, more business teleconferencing and more car club schemes.
Power to local authorities
· Local authorities would control bus services and be supported to restore lost bus routes and open new ones. They would also be encouraged to explore the implementation of tramways to facilitate a sustainable transport system.
· The responsibility of running short-distance passenger rail franchises would be given to councils, meaning local communities have a greater say in the running of the services they depend on.
· Introducing Low Traffic Neighbourhoods would further decrease carbon emissions.
These much-needed changes would be a relief for our planet, but they don’t happen without people like you behind them. Consider joining, donating or becoming a Friend of the Green Party today to further our pioneering work in securing a truly Green Recovery.